
[Brisbane] City附近中餐馆招服务生

2016年2月20日 | 发布人: |
Milton中餐馆招聘服务生 part time, full time or casual 服务生:中午 11:00 – 3:00 ; 晚上5:30-10:30. 。工作时间最好灵活,便于排班。有一定的服务基础,英文沟通良好。要求工作勤快认真 & 要有team work 精神。(年尾和春节不回国)薪优。

有意者请联系:0433 929 908 或 发履历至:nggekchen0208@gmail.com

Milton Chinese restaurant recruiting part time, full time or casual waiters and waitress. Waiters & Waitress : 11:00 – 3:00 pm; 5:30 pm – 10:30 pm. Working shift flexible (preferable) Have a certain service base, have a good communication in English. Require work diligent and serious & have the spirit of team work. (End of the year and the Spring Festival does not return)  

Interested parties please contact: 0433 929 908 or send resume to: nggekchen0208@gmail.com



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 澳洲新闻-房屋出租-求职招聘-澳洲中文网 | [Brisbane] City附近中餐馆招服务生


[Brisbane] City附近中餐馆招服务生

2016年12月20日 | 编辑: |
Milton中餐馆招聘服务生 part time, full time or casual 服务生:中午 11:00 – 3:00 ; 晚上5:30-10:30. 。工作时间最好灵活,便于排班。有一定的服务基础,英文沟通良好。要求工作勤快认真 & 要有team work 精神。(年尾和春节不回国)薪优。

有意者请联系:0433 929 908 或 发履历至:nggekchen0208@gmail.com

Milton Chinese restaurant recruiting part time, full time or casual waiters and waitress. Waiters & Waitress : 11:00 – 3:00 pm; 5:30 pm – 10:30 pm. Working shift flexible (preferable) Have a certain service base, have a good communication in English. Require work diligent and serious & have the spirit of team work. (End of the year and the Spring Festival does not return)  

Interested parties please contact: 0433 929 908 or send resume to: nggekchen0208@gmail.com




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