Chippendale, Single rooms for rent, near Sydney University
租金: 190 per week
房屋类型: other
出租方式: 分租
地址: Chippendale, Sydney, near Sydney University
Female Asian student accommodation. Chippendale
* 单人房间每周$190, 每个房间有各自的门锁。
Single room, $190/week. Each room has lock on the door.
* 每个房间有床, 床垫,衣柜,书桌,抽屉柜,电风扇
Each room contains a bed, a mattress, a wardrobe, a desk, a chest of drawers, a fan, heater and television.
* 包水,电,天然气,互联网(Internet)以及免费使用洗衣设施。
Inclusions: water, electricity, gas, internet and laundry facility.
A courtyard with quiet and safe environment which is suitable for study.
* 共用两个厨房,三个浴室和几个冰箱。
There are two kitchens, three showers and several fridges to share.
* 步行10分钟到悉尼大学和悉尼科技大学, 附近有Broadway购物中心,Victoria公园。
10 minutes walk to Sydney University and UTS. Broadway Shopping Centre and Victoria Park are close by.
* 当你搬入和搬出时免费接送,或者免费悉尼国际机场接送。
Free transport to and from Sydney International Airport
** Landlord is Australian.
* 请拨打: 0412 024 253
Please call: 0412 024 253